cambridge photo diary

As I mentioned on my last post, July was a busy old month and it’s embarrassing how long it has taken me to upload this (two months - whoops). With a full-time job, it’s tricky to find the time to not only go through 100s of photos to pick the best ones, but edit them and curate them to share an exciting enough post. I guess it’s better late than never?

To really make the most of our stay in Cambridge, we decided to stay over for a night at the University Arms (I’ll save that for a separate post) giving us the time to explore the city by day and enjoy a summer evening by the River Cam. It was a scorcher of a bank holiday which was perfect for exploring the city but not quite the same for photography, except for golden hour obvs. I always find photographing in harsh sunlight tough but gave it my best shot so I hope you like these photos.

Cambridge the simple explorer blog21.jpg
Cambridge the simple explorer blog20.jpg

Some of my favourite spots were:

  • Fitzbillies for breakfast and a coffee

  • Aromi for pizza and other Italian dishes

  • Bread and Meat for a sandwich you won’t regret

  • Classic Cambridge streets like Mill Lane, Pembroke Street (especially at golden hour), Trinity Lane, Senate House Passageway, Garret Hostel Lane to name a few

  • The Mill for a drink and sit by the river (if the weather permits)

I’m already planning a trip back in Autumn for all the autumnal vibes!

Thanks for reading - or for just admiring the photos if that’s more your thing.



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